St Martin de Porres Catholic Primary School

Our Pupil Leaders

At St Martin de Porres, we promote good citizenship in a variety of ways. The children have opportunities to hold various positions of responsibility in school aiming to serve each other and improve life in and around school. It gives them real opportunities to live out their Catholic Social Teachings and British Values

The most important people in our school are our children and their voice is of paramount importance.


The Chaplaincy Team

Our Chaplaincy Team are responsible for the Prayer Life of the school. Together, they encourage children to participate in different acts of worship, help to prepare and lead special celebrations, support school fundraisers and promote prayer in school life.

The roles of our Chaplaincy team include the following:
  • To help the school to be a community of faith;
  • To encourage the pupils to live their faith in daily living;
  • To develop good relationships within and beyond the school community;
  • To support Liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school;
  • To involve pupils in fundraising for charities;
  • To continue to develop strong links with the Parish and community;
  • To support the school in its Vision and Mission Statement.


In order to fulfil these roles, our chaplaincy team will:
  • Help to prepare weekly Gospel Preparation assemblies and ‘Saints Day’ celebrations;
  • Organise various charity fund-raising events;
  • Provide weekly ‘Thought for the Week’ which is posted in each classroom;
  • Help to lead assemblies;
  • Work with other Chaplaincy Teams;
  • Promote bible stories.


The following are our five top tips to help us be a successful Chaplaincy Team:
  • Listen to each other’s ideas;
  • Communicate with all the team members, school and parish;
  • Encourage everyone when making decisions, to share their ideas and to try their best;
  • Include everyone when making decisions;
  • Lead by example, love everyone especially people you don’t get on with.


House Captains

We have eight pupils from Year 6 that are our House Captains, two for each of the houses.

Our House Groups are:

  • St Thomas More (red house)
  • St. Edmund Campion (blue house)
  • St. John Wall (green house)
  • St. Margaret Clitheroe (yellow house)


As part of the rewards system within St. Martin’s, pupils are awarded house points for their respective house groups. Each week, the House Captains have the important responsibility to collect the totals from each class. These are collated and totals are announced during Friday’s assembly. The house that collects the most house points throughout a term are rewarded by having a special reward at the end of the term.


School Council

Our School Council consists of children from Year 1 to Year 6 (two from each class). They are elected by their peers at the start of each academic year. Each child gives reasons why they want to represent their class and school, and are voted for accordingly.

We meet approximately every two weeks to discuss issues that affect us in school, including things we would like to change or improve in our school and community. We ensure that every child in our school is given a voice through this. Liaising with pupils, staff, parents and governors is a priority, to ensure the life of the school is actively enhanced.

Our school councillors always rise to the challenge they are given, and always use their God given talents for the good of others.


Play Leaders

 At St Martin's we believe it is important to be as active as possible. Our play leaders voluntarily organise and run various activities for all children to play.

This is a great opportunity for our older pupils to introduce and develop leadership skills to transfer into other roles in the future. The scheme will also raise self-esteem and self-confidence of the leaders. 

You can spot our play leaders by looking out for children wearing their play leader lanyards. If anyone is unsure of what to play, wants to be active or wants to try something new, they can get involved with any activity they like!